With their merger blocked, Kroger and Albertsons need to find other ways to compete. The chains are better off than their merger fearmongering implied, but short-term investor payouts could get in the way of growth.
Read MoreInternal communications reveal instances when Kroger only lowered its prices after Albertsons did. Plus new evidence that C&S will struggle to manage over 550 divested stores.
Read MoreThe European Commission approved Bunge’s takeover of Viterra on the condition that it sell off its Central European oilseed business. Judges begin to hear antitrust enforcers’ case against Kroger-Albertsons.
Read MoreAntitrust enforcers dealt two major challenges to corporate power at different ends of the food supply chain over the past two weeks.
Read MoreKroger and Albertsons sell over half of all groceries in Washington state. State antitrust enforcers say that their merger will raise prices and harm workers and they’re suing to stop the deal.
Read MoreChecking in on antitrust review of Kroger and Albertson’s proposed merger, one year later.
Read MoreLegal challenges to Albertsons’s special dividend put a spotlight on the ways private equity extraction drives grocery consolidation.
Read MoreA merged Kroger/Albertsons empire could supercharge store closures, layoffs, price gouging, and supplier squeezing, further harming shoppers, workers, farmers, and independent grocers.
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